21st November 2024

The Skypainters at "Neushoorn"
On 21st of November The Skypainters will play "Elusive Moments" concert at Neushoorn, Leeuwarden!
There you'll hear the world premier "The Cure For Joy".
And we'll bring some "Elusive Moments" CDs copies.
See you there!
20th July 2024
The Skypainters Acoustic Concert
On 19th of July The Skypainters performed a unique concert at Paviljoen Ongehoorde Muziek, Eindhoven!
Why was it unique?
First of all we'll played acoustically!
And instead of acoustic piano we performed with Harp!
See the short video from that night, made by Heba Bardan.
14th March 2024

"Elusive Moments" album's release show
On 3rd of March The Skypainters had a great time at Cafe Miles, Amersfoort!
We played "Elusive Moments" album's release concert and we had amazing time in Amersfoort. ​
Thank you so much ZenneZ Records for organising it!
To feel the atmosphere and vibes check a short snapshot of "The Night On Earth" composition!
4th January 2024

A new Review from TheNextGig "
The first news in 2024!
A review from TheNextGig magazine about The Skypainters "Elusive Moments" album's release concert at Explore The North festival, Leeuwarden..
Thank you so much Richard Wagenaar!
13th December 2023

Another review about "Elusive Moments"
Happy to share with you another review about my album "Elusive Moments" from Moors Magazine.
Thank you so much Holly Moors!
11th November 2023

Review about "Elusive Moments" album
Today I've just received a review about my album "Elusive Moments" with my project The Skypainters.
Thank you Nieuwe Noten and Ben Taffijn!
4th November 2023

The Skypainters perform"Elusive
Moments" live
We're happy to announce that on 26th November we'll play "Elusive Moments" concert at Explore the North festival!
The first time for us to perform in Leeuwarden!
We'll bring "Elusive Moments" CDs with an amazing design by Kalle Wolters and photography by Julia Dumchenko.​
25th August 2023

debut album "Elusive Moments"
My dear friends, I am very excited to tell you that my first debut album "Elusive Moments" as a composer, guitarist, arranger and producer was released!
Get your digital version and support us on The Skypainters Bandcamp page​.
We printed some CDs with amazing cover design. What can be better than listening to the music and holding beautiful piece of art in your hands?
visit Merchandising page for details how you can get your CD copy.